Groovy Half-Time Paradiddle Fill Drum Lesson
Applying concepts to the Paradiddle
Here we learn to apply the concepts of Replacement and Modulation to a Single Paradiddle to create this groovy, half-time fill. Mind you, this great lick works really well as a groove too, so don’t be shy to try out like that!
Both concepts (Replacement and Modulation) are actually simple to understand and apply, yet the trick is to practice them enough so they become second nature!
A pro tip!
A pro tip I give all my students is to practice consistently as the incubation period isn’t overnight. What do I mean by that? The time it takes from learning new things and for them to come out naturally in our playing can take several months! Be patient.

Spend some time learning the concepts and apply them to your existing drumming vocabulary.
About this Paradiddle video lesson
Watch the full video lesson below and download the FREE PDF transcription of all the exercises demonstrated in the video. The idea is for you to understand the process and concepts I’ve used to come up with this Paradiddle rather the fill itself. Understanding the concept will help you come up with your own ideas to get more juice out what you already know!
If you’re interested learning more creative concepts, you can check out my drum lessons or get a copy of my book Concepts. The latter is a great resource for taking your existing drumming vocabulary to the next level.
You can watch the groovy half-time Paradiddle fill drum lesson below. You can also watch it on my YouTube channel where you can find more video lessons, as well as covers, clips from sessions and other random stuff.
Download the free PDF HERE
Thanks again for stopping by, and enjoy! I hope you find this stuff interesting and useful.
Nick 🙂